The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

"Scram!"......That's old tyme talk for "Git!"

Courtesy Craig Kilborn

1000. Sweet.

Today I was again reminded of how awful KFC chicken really is. We usually have a nice sit down meal at one of the "classier" restaurants in Weyburn when we go into town. But oh no, somebody thought "Hey, I haven't been to the KFC buffet for a while, let's go there!" Way to go asshole. I had pretty much the worst stomach pain I've ever had before. I may even have had visions of hell as I was walking/stumbling out the front door. There was a kind of "embryotic" slime on the chicken as one guy put it. Thanks KFC. I will be sure to fill out a comment form next year, which will be how long it takes for me to grace you with my presence.

Now very own photo album. Enjoy.

Plew, Jorge, Joel.....cheers. I had such a great weekend with you guys. Made for some sweet memories, some that might come back to haunt us (naked what?). JR, I've never seen a RISK board in such a compromising position before, you Halloween whore! Oh, and thanks again for the welt Plew, I'm sure I'll carry that little "memory" for a few more days. Joel, congrats on the LSAT. I've never met a guy that can be that intelligent, and still be so damn good at PS2. Nice work buddy, nice work indeed.

it was me. i ate the sheep sh!t...clever twist on the end there.

Naked with socks. So wrong, yet so, so right.

not pissed. uh uh.

Is it just me, or does anybody else get a slight feeling of disappointment/excitement when a celebrity gets married/breaks up with their "partner". Back when I heard that Jenniffer Lopez broke up with P-Diddy, I couldn't help but say to myself "Sweet, then there might be a chance....." Well, maybe not. I'm way too good for J-Lo.
Oh, and by the way Joel, Natalie Imbruglia has a boyfriend. He's quite famous too.

Who really did "let the dogs out"?

How amazing is "Stairway To Heaven". No words can even begin to describe it.

Ok, honestly, where do the socks in the dryer go? Everyone has heard the story about how the dryer "eats" socks, but the dryers in my apartment building actually do! I realized that I was losing socks at a rate of about one per month, so I decided to test a little theory. I kept all my single socks that lost their partner in a special pile on my dresser so I could keep a running tally. I'm now six months into my intensive study, and there are now five socks in the pile. The dryer doesn't seem to be a picky eater either, because I have one grey sock, one wooly, and 3 regular white socks. Thanks dryer, I like wearing one grey and one wooly sock together! I don't even like pairing the single whites together, because they have different elastic patterns and lengths. Oh well, in the words of Jay-Z, it's a hard-knock life.

If you're checking back here again, you must be really bored!! Well, you're here anyway, so you might as well check out my new "scrolling marquee" at the bottom of the page. I hope you realize how truly talented I am at webpage design.

Don't usually like posting links without anything else to say, but here's a little flash animation I found quite funny. "Dear enis" by Rodney Carrington.

I can't help but notice the frigid temperatures have been making 90% of the population very owly. I, on the other hand, have been in a GREAT mood since it got cold. It seems like no matter what happens, I can't stop being happy. This probably pisses people off, but do you think I care?

Anyone who is thinking of taking off and travelling around Europe, check out these girls. Don't be fooled by the opening page, it's really a sweet site. They've been pretty much all over Europe, and have some great pics/logs from each place. Check out the Belgrade and Dachau sections. Scary stuff. Oh, and for the guys (and maybe girls), they're pretty hot too.

I really enjoy living on the same floor as a girl obsessed with candles. It gives the entire hallway a nice, pleasant fragrance to come home to.

That's it, "The Bachelor" takes the most pathetic show award from "Electric Circus". Then why do I want to be the bachelor so bad? Maybe it's the unbelievably attractive and intelligent women on the show, all wanting me........although, there has to be something wrong with them emotionally for going on that show. I mean, come on. Marry someone you've only known for a couple weeks? Shit. What can't television make a mockery of?

Can anybody tell me what, exactly, do people responsible for finding a cure for cancer DO? They've been working for so long now, you would think they would have at least something to report. I know they probably go to a lab, but what do they do when they get there? I'm sure the cancer research industry has some doctors that have been there for at least ten years. You would think that after that long they would get pretty damn frustrated. I really do hope that they find a cure for at least one kind of cancer soon, just curious as to what they really do all day long.

I sometimes wonder, does anybody ever check out my lyric of the day/week?

Well, hope everybody had a happy Lesbogiving......I mean, my Thanksbian was great.......I mean, yeah, my Thanksgiving was everything I thought that it would be, and a little more. Jorge, I had your big Heiny can in the back of the 'voy, so I sent it home with your parents. Oh, and sorry for the bite mark out of the bottom, it might have had something to do with the attempted record-breaking. Speaking of the pathetic attempt, how the hell did we get so damn pissed and still be so short of the mark. Oh well, another great night to remember.

Ok, I watched Matt and Plewy's movies, and loved them. I couldn't resist creating my own masterpiece.

Music is such an amazing language. I can't even explain.

I was talking to Rindog on the phone, and it inspired me to attend to my neglected blog. Props to Chandler for motivating so many people to voice their opinion on what the "meaning of young life" is. There's been some really great stuff posted.

Oh, and I have a little tidbit to share too. I recently caught a throat infection, the kind that knocks you flat on your ass and leaves you a wet, cold, shaky mess on your living room floor. I started to feel better on Saturday, and decided to go to a party the guys at work were throwing to "dispose" of the leftover booze from our fall BBQ. Seeing as I was on penicillin, I decided I would remain sober and try to have fun while my counterparts got obliterated. Yeah, so I'm sitting there, bullshitting, and everything is going great. One hour in, the stereo gets turned on, and people start to stand up and mill about. Hour two, voices are turning to yells, and I am starting to feel a little awkward, which is wierd because I get along great with these guys. Hour three, the guys whom I was having a decently in-depth conversation with have surrounded some of the more attractive wives, and are spitting/drooling all over themselves and each other. By hour's four and five, all hell has broken loose. A mic has been plugged into the stereo, karaoke-like singing and rash comments are being bellered over the speakers, and people are merely walking out onto the front step and pissing in the bushes. I think to myself now, is this really what I look like when I get drunk with my buddies? The answer I know is yes. Is this going to stop be from drinking, heavily at times, to have fun? The answer is..... most likely not.

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