The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I think there was a Ukranian polka party happening on the first floor of my apartment building today. I walked in the door, and heard an accordian playing "On Top Of Old Smokey". Just to make sure, I walked through the hall, and sure enough there were 3 perogies laying in the middle of the hall (no word of a lie). Hopefully things don't get out of hand tonight, or they'll start Ukranian Easter egging the neighborhood.......hahaha, damn I'm a funny guy. Is that what they call a "hard" party in Yorkton there B-Dawg?

The Starting Line - Hold On
If this song doesn't bring you close to tears and/or make you a Starting Line fan, then you and I are two different people.

Speaking of the Canucks game, did anybody else who watched get shivers down their spine when the dude singing 'O Canada' let the crowd take it halfway through, because they were drowning him out. Could that have been a shiver of patriotism? Wait........yeah, I think it was!

This year I made the decision to do my own income tax return. So, just as I did with 99% of my homework in school, I waited until the last possible date to do them. I then spent 3 hours sifting through all the bullshit numbers, and finally got everything to fit. What did all this work get me? A $75.11 refund. Woopdefrickendoo. At least the Canucks won!

How can you call a cheesy penalty with 2:04 remaining in a great 1-goal game. Unbelievable. St Louis Blues, I got a feeling you and your whole city are going down.

I'll never understand what makes guys with loud trucks think they're SO cool. What a dumbass.

Today, at work, I might have turned on the air conditioning.

You would think one would get the hint that work is cancelled when one gets three feet from their parking stall and gets stuck, but oh no. I got stuck three times (on city streets) before officially calling off work today. You got to love April snow!

Today at work I noticed a warning displayed on the soap dispenser in the read "Not for anti-bacterial soap use". What the? Is there an alternative, like "anti-bad smell" soap? I was under the impression that all soap was anti-bacterial, but I guess I was wrong. Needless to say, I won't be eating any licorice or candies from our junk-food table.

I find it quite funny that a certain oil company with "an enterprise value of approximately $30 billion" needs money so bad that it has to raise the registration fees for the company hockey tourney from $30 a player to $90. Can anyone say royal jew job (with as little offense as is possible to my faithful jewish readers).

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