The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

It's so true, like Chandler says, I have hardly done any of those things. I've never been to another continent, lived paycheck to paycheck, or worked any minimum-wage jobs. Never have I begged for change, or even fucked a black chick. I would love to do most of those things, true, but you know what. I was born in a great city, province, and country no matter people say about it. My family worked extremely hard to give me the best possible upbringing I could ever ask for. I never had to be a bellboy, dishwasher, or beggar because I worked hard through high school, got good marks, and was rewarded with scholarships that paid my tuition to school. I worked good-paying summer jobs, jobs that any person could have gotten if they worked hard. I got my diploma, and got a great job in a city that isn't nearly as bad as I make it sound. So here I am, "buying in" early. You know what though, I'm SO proud of what my family has done to get me here, and what I have done to get here. Instead of focusing on what we could have, and maybe should have done with our lives, I think we have to think about what we have already accomplished. How many adults our age in this world can say they have computers to communicate their thoughts like this. How many can take their car and drive to the show, or go get fast food, or even walk outside without any fear of being murdered on the street. Not a whole fucking lot. To me, no matter how much people bitch about it, we need to think about the great country we live in, and all the doors that are open for us. No one person can realistically expect to experience every single thing on that list. I have a lot of stories from my "sheltered" life to tell my kids and grandkids. All I can hope to do is provide a world and lifestyle as good as I have had. That's my rant, for what it's worth.

Just watched Mission Impossible 2 for the second time. It's a really good movie, except for one HUGE exception. That damn mask that changes the person's face into someone else's face. The fact that the only way to move the plot forward depended on a mask that would be impossible to make is ridiculous. If such a thing existed, I thik it would be used a little more often than just to get out of impossible situations. I give the movie 4 stars out of 5 for story line and action rating, but half a star out of 5 for a getting out of sticky situations rating.

I think I've finally figured out the aromas that mixed to create the old people smell on the first floor of my apartments. It's a combination of Ivory soap and canned peas and/or canned beans.

I have my own washed-up theory. Age doesn't determine your washed-upedness, but can very much affect it. You are officially washed up when you experience your first crippling knee or back injury that puts you out of commision for at least half a season of a given sport. Some people may not get this injury until they are well into their fifties, while others become washed up while still in high school. I don't know if Cliff and Plewis remember Kyle Raab in our last year of football, but he became "washed up" when he was in grade 11. Gotta watch out for the Doug knees.

Ok, I have a pet peeve I'd like to express to everyone, in hopes that they will never do it. While standing in a group of usually 3 to 6 people, I can't stand when somebody cuts another person from the group. I'm sure everyone has had this happen, when one person wants all the attention and cuts you out, without any regard to where you are currently positioned, outside the circle by yourself. This has happened to me before, and I feel like kicking the ever-loving shit out of the person that did it. To me, it is one of the most rude things anyone could do. To anyone that does this when I'm around, you can make like a tree and get the fuck out of here.

P.S. Boondock Saints is the best movie ever made.

Never in my life have I seen so many milmls (mothers I'd like to make love to) as in the Weyburn hockey rink. I think I'm in heaven.

No, wait, it's the same old 1 horse town, just with yummy mumminess. Good enough.

Songs that put me totally at ease when I listen to them:

Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
Incubus - Aqueous Transmission
Something Corporate - Konstantine
Mathews Southern Comfort - Woodstock
Pearl Jam - Crazy Mary

So the last couple days I've been co-running the Atom level rep team hockey tryouts (I'm not coaching, just helping out). Picture forty two 8-10 year old little rugrats, with myself and another guy 24 years old trying to control them. MASS CONFUSION. It's actually a lot better than I thought it would be, and it's been going really well. At times though, it's easy to forget at what level 8-10 year olds are, intelligence wise. I was explaining to them about how we were going to do a three-on-two drill. This is the exact conversation as it happened:
"Alright guys, we're gonna move on now to a three-on-two drill."
"What's a drill?" asked one little guy with glasses.
"OK", I said, "I'll just explain what we're going to do next. The forwards start, yadda yadda yadda. Always remember to pass to the lead man."
"Coach, what's a lead man?"

Shit. Kids are hilarious.

Confuscious say: "Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day long."

Interesting fact for the day: Falling coconuts are accountable for 15 times the number of fatalities that shark attacks are. If you call bullshit, check this out.

Now they're making human towers 10 levels high. People have died. Will the insanity ever end!?

This is the saddest display I've ever seen.

What the hell is the point of laying down on razor-sharp pieces of broken glass, and then eating it? Guiness World Records "Prime Time" can kiss my ass.

If it wasn't before, it is now official. Electric Circus is the most pathetic show on TV. I'm watching a bunch of raver style "T-dot" idiots dancing in their own special EC way to Avril Lavigne Sk8ter Boi. I swear the people on that show don't even hear the music, because thay always dance the same way, no matter if it's J-Lo, Dirty Vegas, or Avril. Hilarious, but at the same time very, very sad.

Not much to say today, just feel like I should post something for all my "bored" student friends to read. I got pulled over by a cop for speeding on Sunday. He asked me the typical "How fast do you think you were going?" question. What a dumbass. I told him I thought I was doing 95 km/h. He seemed irritated, but then told me I was doing 121. Then, what kinda made me laugh, was he asked if the vehicle was mine, in a suspicious tone, and spent a good couple minutes studying the plates, and comparing them to my registration and license. I guess I can't drive a Bangvoy with a backwards hat without arousing suspicion. Anyway, he then said "I don't know why I'm doing this, but I'm gonna let you go. The paperwork is more of a pain in the ass than it's worth." Sweet.

Oh yeah, and if you ever buy me a shot for my birthday, never get me a Prairie Fire. I wouldn't force that down my worst enemies' throat.

Well, maybe Bruce Springsteen.

Check this kick-ass band out:

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