The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

It's so true, like Chandler says, I have hardly done any of those things. I've never been to another continent, lived paycheck to paycheck, or worked any minimum-wage jobs. Never have I begged for change, or even fucked a black chick. I would love to do most of those things, true, but you know what. I was born in a great city, province, and country no matter people say about it. My family worked extremely hard to give me the best possible upbringing I could ever ask for. I never had to be a bellboy, dishwasher, or beggar because I worked hard through high school, got good marks, and was rewarded with scholarships that paid my tuition to school. I worked good-paying summer jobs, jobs that any person could have gotten if they worked hard. I got my diploma, and got a great job in a city that isn't nearly as bad as I make it sound. So here I am, "buying in" early. You know what though, I'm SO proud of what my family has done to get me here, and what I have done to get here. Instead of focusing on what we could have, and maybe should have done with our lives, I think we have to think about what we have already accomplished. How many adults our age in this world can say they have computers to communicate their thoughts like this. How many can take their car and drive to the show, or go get fast food, or even walk outside without any fear of being murdered on the street. Not a whole fucking lot. To me, no matter how much people bitch about it, we need to think about the great country we live in, and all the doors that are open for us. No one person can realistically expect to experience every single thing on that list. I have a lot of stories from my "sheltered" life to tell my kids and grandkids. All I can hope to do is provide a world and lifestyle as good as I have had. That's my rant, for what it's worth.

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