The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I have to say, the Ginger beef in Weyburn is pretty damn good. On a side note, they're not a cougar at 27 unless they are married and/or have kids. That's all for now.

Why are two rings the standard for phone etiquette? I picked up the phone on the first ring today, and the person on the other end sounded almost apalled that I would answer so quickly. I don't know if it's ironic or not, but it was a hearing aid company. Apparently I have good enough hearing to hear the phone on the first ring!

I don't know why, but I watched American Idol tonight. All I have to say is, why can't there be a male singer that isn't flaming gay (not that there's anything wrong with that). They're not even questionably gay either, they're the limp wristed, girl with an attitude kind of homosexuals. Here's a hint, if you're a guy trying out for the show, don't sing Madonna - Like A Virgin.

There's nothing like the feeling of being fresh out of the shower, in a crisp shirt, ready for a night out on the town. If only it was summer.

Not much to report today. Went home early from work because the visibility was zero and the temperature was -42 with the windchill. I've lost all memory of walking outside without a shirt on. If I ever complain about the heat, I give you the green light right now to kick me in the shins and step on my neck.

Man am I desparate for blog material. I got nothing, sorry.

Have you ever seen the guys that put up the giant billboards? I mean the huge-ass ones on highways and freeways. Yeah, me neither. If anybody knows where I can apply for a job doing that, I'll give you a cookie or something. Then I won't apply, because it would suck.

More on the 'human shields': What is going on with people?. First of all, what makes them think that this would stop the Americans? And secondly, I doubt very much that Saddam would even look twice before using them as hostages for bargaining against the Americans, which I'm sure would include executing more than a few of them. I'm totally against going to war so hastily, but I don't think there is anything a thousand, or ten-thousand 'human shields' for that matter can do to stop it. I hope they seriously take time to realize what they're doing, before it's too late.

I'm sorry, but human shields? Give me a fricking break.

"Your mother was born in December, on the one sunny day that winter gave up."

G&A = some girls

Aa = some guy

W = some town

Setting: some bar

G&A - "Hey, how's it going....I'm "G" and this is my friend "A"."

Aa - "Hey, I'm Aa."

G&A - "Are you from W?"

Aa - "For a couple years now yeah."

G&A - "So how old are you anyway?"

Aa - "Does it really matter?"

G&A - "Yes."

Aa - "How old are you two?"

G&A - "27"

Aa - "Me too."

G&A - "Really? What year did you graduate?"

30 seconds of finger counting later

Aa - " '93?"

G&A - "Really? Let us see your ID then."

"I forgot it at home" or "I lost it" would be just two of many acceptable answers to that question. So what do you think Aa did? Gave them his ID. Needless to say, Aa isn't expecting a call any time soon. Poor guy.

I enjoy them, and I'm sure you do too. I'm talking about searches that lead to your site, and I like them SO much that I dedicated a section in my margin for them. Likely to be updated every couple weeks. Kelly Osbournes ass? Sick.

With all the frigid minus 30 temperatures, I think a funny thing to do would be to unplug everyones vehicles. Then, as I drive my plugged-in vehicle past them in the morning, yell "Feels like it's getting warmer out, eh suckas!".

Powell blogging more frequently than B-dawg? Never thought I'd see the day.

I went to rent Signs tonight, and witnessed something kind of funny. As most people know, movies in video stores are almost always in alphabetical order. So I walk to the "S-section", and see that 14/15 copies are out. Standing in front of me at the "S-section" is a little tike, about 5 years old. He grabs the last copy of Signs and walks over to his mom, who is blindly looking for it in the "Thriller" section of old releases. He says "Is this it mommy?". She replies, amazed "Yes. where did you find it?" Needless to say, I was quite entertained, and settled for Panic Room instead.

Like most single guys in this world, when I go get groceries I'm an "up and down" shopper. I walk up and down the ailes, and just buy whatever I feel like eating at that moment. This usually ends up with apples and lettuce that go bad, and a year supply of Lipton sidekicks. Today, I thought "Hey, I know, I'll make a list. That way, I'll get exactly what I really need, and actually have something to eat for once." So I get to the store, and pull out the list, but I feel like a complete idiot constantly checking the list, and looking for the items on the "conveniently" labled ailes. Needless to say, I didn't get everything I needed, and now have two years worth of Lipton sidekicks. I guess I better start enjoying noodles.

Well, the holiday depression period is officially over!! Today was a kick ass day, weather and workload wise. Oh, and seeing "moose pics" as a search string that led to my blog helped lighten my spirits too. Haha....shit.

I hate the short period of depression after coming back from Christmas holidays. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

How convenient. A bloody fingerprint on a belt in CSI happened to belong to a guy who's prints were "in the system". Funny how that always happens. Someone in the crew always has a personal experience that somehow helps them examine the evidence too. Right. Why do I like this show?

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