The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I love that word, "masterminds". It's a common term, used mainly by the Press, to describe the head of most "terrorist" events. How much of a "mastermind" do you have to be to take three bombs, put them in backpacks, and give them to three friends. Then tell them to press a big red button at 9:00am. The only real thought process would be for the three "terrorists" to set their watches to the same time. Apparently they couldn't even do that, because ol' Hasib was an hour late. Nice work retard. And they talk about how the suicide bombers must have been "trained" by some terror organization. Trained? To do what, press a detonation button? Carry a backpack? I know those shoulder adjustment straps sometimes stick, but come on. Don't you think maybe we're giving these idiots a little too much credit? I tend to think yes.

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