The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

G&A = some girls

Aa = some guy

W = some town

Setting: some bar

G&A - "Hey, how's it going....I'm "G" and this is my friend "A"."

Aa - "Hey, I'm Aa."

G&A - "Are you from W?"

Aa - "For a couple years now yeah."

G&A - "So how old are you anyway?"

Aa - "Does it really matter?"

G&A - "Yes."

Aa - "How old are you two?"

G&A - "27"

Aa - "Me too."

G&A - "Really? What year did you graduate?"

30 seconds of finger counting later

Aa - " '93?"

G&A - "Really? Let us see your ID then."

"I forgot it at home" or "I lost it" would be just two of many acceptable answers to that question. So what do you think Aa did? Gave them his ID. Needless to say, Aa isn't expecting a call any time soon. Poor guy.

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