The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

So the last couple days I've been co-running the Atom level rep team hockey tryouts (I'm not coaching, just helping out). Picture forty two 8-10 year old little rugrats, with myself and another guy 24 years old trying to control them. MASS CONFUSION. It's actually a lot better than I thought it would be, and it's been going really well. At times though, it's easy to forget at what level 8-10 year olds are, intelligence wise. I was explaining to them about how we were going to do a three-on-two drill. This is the exact conversation as it happened:
"Alright guys, we're gonna move on now to a three-on-two drill."
"What's a drill?" asked one little guy with glasses.
"OK", I said, "I'll just explain what we're going to do next. The forwards start, yadda yadda yadda. Always remember to pass to the lead man."
"Coach, what's a lead man?"

Shit. Kids are hilarious.

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