The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

The other day, I was watching one of my all-time favorite cartoons, The Flintstones. It was the episode where the Rubbles and Flintstones go camping in the "secret" Shangri-La-De-Da Valley, and it just so happens that the big boy scout jamboree is happening there at the same time. I had a couple funny thoughts while watching, that I'd like to share. One is that it was one of the "re-mastered" episodes, where they edited in laughing as if the show was taped in front of a live studio audience. At times I wasn't sure if I was laughing at the show, or the ridiculous times that the so called audience laughed. Another funny thing I noticed was the HUGE, but hilarious, stereotypes they portrayed when the troups from the different continents sang Old MacDonald. The asians have lines for eyes, the mexicans all wear sombreros, and the dutch all have little dutchy looking caps, and wooden shoes on. What happened to the days when we could poke fun at different cultures without any deep-seeded hatred behind it. If a cartoon nowadays were to display that kind of stereotyping, I'm sure it would cause an uproar and bring about a few lawsuits.
On a different note, when the Flintstones ended, Spongebob came on and let me enjoy a cartoon that requires zero brain activity. Nice.

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