The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I was talking to Rindog on the phone, and it inspired me to attend to my neglected blog. Props to Chandler for motivating so many people to voice their opinion on what the "meaning of young life" is. There's been some really great stuff posted.

Oh, and I have a little tidbit to share too. I recently caught a throat infection, the kind that knocks you flat on your ass and leaves you a wet, cold, shaky mess on your living room floor. I started to feel better on Saturday, and decided to go to a party the guys at work were throwing to "dispose" of the leftover booze from our fall BBQ. Seeing as I was on penicillin, I decided I would remain sober and try to have fun while my counterparts got obliterated. Yeah, so I'm sitting there, bullshitting, and everything is going great. One hour in, the stereo gets turned on, and people start to stand up and mill about. Hour two, voices are turning to yells, and I am starting to feel a little awkward, which is wierd because I get along great with these guys. Hour three, the guys whom I was having a decently in-depth conversation with have surrounded some of the more attractive wives, and are spitting/drooling all over themselves and each other. By hour's four and five, all hell has broken loose. A mic has been plugged into the stereo, karaoke-like singing and rash comments are being bellered over the speakers, and people are merely walking out onto the front step and pissing in the bushes. I think to myself now, is this really what I look like when I get drunk with my buddies? The answer I know is yes. Is this going to stop be from drinking, heavily at times, to have fun? The answer is..... most likely not.

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