The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I recently heard a quote in Gladiator that pretty much sums up what I'm feeling today...
"The mob is fickle brother." This is what the slimy emperors sister said to him when explaining how to rule Rome. I'm sure a very similar scene took place in NDP headquarters prior to their political campaign. A lot of the people in this province were swayed by the NDP focusing things the "mob" could understand. "Elect the Sask Party, and it will make auto insurance to go up" was one major focus that really pissed me off, but when people see superficial shit like that, they can easily be swayed. Promises of a "Better tomorrow for Saskatchewan", while it sounds nice, doesn't sway voters. Anyway, cudos to the NDP on running an underhanded but successful campaign. When you look at how the Sask Party and NDP ran, you can see that nice guys really do finish last.

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