The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I know it doesn't sound like me, but lately I've seriously been thinking of just picking up and going on a trip somewhere far away. What's wierd is that I'm not unhappy at all. I actually couldn't ask for much more, the job is great, I've met some cool people in Weybs, and I'm loving life. I know if I were to just "up and go", people would think I'm a dumbass for leaving it all. I hate feeling like I'm trapped. Anyone that's still in school right now, full-time jobs are over-rated. Get out and explore while you still can, and live it up. Maybe I'll go back to school, who knows? Thats what's great about life I guess, you can do anything that you want, you just have to get over your inhibitions and not give a fuck about what people will think of you. God knows I'm trying my hardest.

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