The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

Year end safety meeting yesterday. The chairman sent us a memo, telling us to drive our company vehicles home and take a taxi to the meeting. Sweet. The "meeting" lasted about 10 minutes, followed by free alcohol and appetizers. This went from 2:00 until 7:30. A group of us then made the trek across the mall parking lot from the "meeting" to a lounge. Drinks were then continued. So 11:00 rolls around, with everybody absolutely smashed, and guess who wins a Bubba keg? Yours truly. So did you call it a night like an intelligent person would and go home with your keg? No, no I didn't. The keg was tapped there in the bar, and we drank for free for a while. No glasses though, straight out of the keg will be fine. Good idea when you're pissed out of your tree. The story doesn't end there though. 12:30 comes around, we're out of beer, too drunk to function, and going home. One guy starts to walk out the door, stops, and come back to ask us a question. The dude forgot where he lived!!! We had to tell the cabbie where to take him. Yeah, he didn't show up for work today. Good times make for a nasty next day. Ouch.

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