The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

Well, here it is, my long-awaited review. Didn't think I swore THAT much, but it's all good. Thanks Lainy. I particularily like the comment about "mad rants". Sweet.

The Worst Is Over

Blue, the most popular colour in the galaxy of blogs for boys/men ;0), deep blue for the main background with a lovely mellow blue as the background behind the written entries. Links and text are a pale lemon, dates for the blog entries running down the side are in white. There are no pictures "on" the blog, but I think that it would spoil or take the look away from the blog as it looks great as it is.

He has however added a link where you can view quite a few of his photos with friends and girls, a nice *personal* touch. There is a counter on the top left showing this blogs popularity even though it has only been up since August, but after reading a few posts you realize why.

I always try to start with the achives pending that they're not too long, and that they are easy to find, homerun on both counts ;0). "If you don't like profanity, then STOP reading this now!" is the very first sentence in this blog, take heed as there is A LOT! Entries on the whole are brilliant! They are just a mass of mad rants on some of the things that annoy him, his "sheltered life" (his words) and the stories he will be able to pass on to his future generations, things he has experienced/watched and how crappy/funny he thinks they are excluding, Weyburn hockey rink, his idea of heaven with "yummy mummies". Basically, it's an average blog on the content, likes, dislikes, nights out with the lads, music he's into and everything and anything in between. He also has a few links amongst the entries, which I personally enjoyed especially "Dear Pnis"(An adult animated song)!

I think the reasons why I loved this blog so much is that he doesn't try to make it the way it is, it's natural. He has added his own personality into the blog without trying too much or going over the top. From the start, all I have done is laugh and that isn't always an easy task, lol. I think the author is the kind of "take me as you find me" kind of person, he isn't afraid to express what he feels. He is blunt, straight to the point, it's his blog and if you don't like it f*ck off - (general impression I got)! But he isn't arrogant, he just knows what he feels and expresses himself in his own words and with such humour that I don't think he is actually aware of.

This blog is not for minors or anyone who isn't of an open mind, doesn't like strong language or strong opinions. On the other hand, if you're young at heart, have a fun open sense of humour, then what are you waiting for?

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