The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

You know you're truly Canadian when you leave at 8:30am to play in the year-end rec soccer tournament and the outside temperature is -6 degrees celsius. Talk about hardcore.

Once Upon A Time...
A guy I know passes out in the bathroom, with the lights off and the door closed after getting a bit carried away last Saturday at the bar. After lying there for half an hour or so, he awoke and took out his contacts, which were by now crustified to his eyes. He brushes his teeth hastily, ready stumble to the bedroom for a good nights sleep. He opens the door, only to find that what he thought had been half an hour had really been 8 hours, and it was 11:00 am. So there he was, still drunk as the night before, and somehow feeling cheated of a night of sleep. Needless to say, four hours later for turkey at the "in-laws" this guy was not in great shape. Some people's kids!

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