The worst is over

You can have the best of me...

I just read the letter of the University of Arizona student who killed himself as well, but I have a little different take on it. It truly was a sad letter, and you could tell that this guy really was on his last straw. I have no doubt that he may have been treated unfairly, and could very well have had to overcome all of this adversity. This is, however, only one side of the story. When I was in tech school, there was a guy in our class (his sixth year of a two year program) that was almost exactly like the Arizona guy. He had a lot of trouble getting anywhere in the classes, and although he asked many questions which he thought were relevant, he just wasn't worthy of passing the classes. Now this guy vented to me sometimes, and you could just tell that he wasn't really all there. Most of the guys in class saw him as an easy target of their verbal abuse, but I saw at least a little good on him. This little good in him, however, was NOT good enough to gain a Mechanical Engineering Diploma. He didn't end up killing anybody like the Arizona guy, but the letter still kind of hit home.
My opinion, for what it is worth, is that you shouldn't believe everything you read. I'm sure many people in history have faced the adversity that this guy faced, and chose a better way to deal with it. The teachers, even if they were "perceived" to only be in it for the money, DID NOT deserve to die. We should care more for human life, I agree, but murdering innocent people is not the way to go about raising awareness. Or maybe I'm just a little drunk after hockey tonight. Either way, you got to the end of this blog, and I commend you for that!

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